Tick tick tick. It’s a little like a bomb. Just going. Tick tick tick.
I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while. It’s probably a ridiculous notion that I could be a blogger. Most of the time I don’t have anything enlightening to say. The only one piece of good advice I have to share is: Don’t eat yellow snow. And I’ve already shared that on my Facebook page, so it’s old news. But don’t, seriously.
So what is the purpose of me sat typing on a keyboard? Great question. I have no idea. No idea.
I’m not sure what the sole purpose of it will be. I know that I have a tendency to fib. Not big fibs. But if you’ve been on my page, I sometimes embellish the truth. But, in my defense, I also own up to it right away. I’m probably going to have blog posts about what Annie Sloan and I did together. It will be a beautiful fabrication of sorts, involving my wild imagination. Get the drift. I also have no sense of filters or boundaries (it turns out). So I will be bombarding you weekly with the mishaps of my life.
The blog will surely be a work in progress. We are in this together. Remember? Pinky swear? I will be writing about my painting experiences. I’m new at this – hence the tag line ‘Painting in the dark’. That’s what it feels like sometimes. Somehow, it usually works out. Usually. So I’d like to give you some idea of what I get up to when I’m painting.
My greatest hope is that I can ‘master’ wordpress. Biggest obstacle, yet! I don’t get it. I want my typewriter back. I love getting older, but I somehow missed the technology train when it stopped at my station. If ever it did.
I need you guys. Firstly, what’s the point in typing words if there’s no one to read them? What fool would do that? Not I. So I need an audience. I hate been the center of attention, but I’m usually the big mouth in the crowd. I also need your feedback. Please. I seriously really do. We’re in this together, remember the pinky swear that you did a few paragraphs before? I need you to tell me what I need to do for this to be fun. I am a compass without a North, right now.
So, the bomb is still going tick tick tick. It could be a great thing and it could explode and cascade beautiful streams of color into the air. Or it could be a bad thing and explode…and you probably don’t want to be around.