It started with an email, from a company I had never heard of.
Asking if I would like to sample a new paint line that was being introduced to the US market?
Hmmm? I was a tad suspicious, I can not lie.
Me? Why me? In the paint world, I consider myself to be still relatively small fry. I can paint, sure. But in terms of media coverage? I’m one of the runts of the paint world. Although, I will admit that my Saving Grace (the thing that keeps me going) is that I have a fantastic tribe of people on my Facebook page, who just… well…are just kinda awesome.
And so I said ‘Yes, Why not?’ Maybe I could post about it on Facebook (silently praying ‘Oh please don’t make it be crappy paint’. If it’s crappy paint I have to say it’s crappy paint).
And guess what? It wasn’t crappy paint.
It was like painting with pudding, just so incredibly smooth. The Cupid Music Cabinet was the first piece that I used Pure & Original Classico paint . I was sent three sample pots (Drift, Oxford Blue, and Sea Moss) and I got smitten rather quickly (said the actress to the Bishop).
‘Pure & Original’ is made in Belgium, and it’s been considered a luxury paint line for almost 40 years. Who knew? Not I. I know of two awesome things that come from Belgium: Chocolate and the equally delicious Belgium Beer.
And quite frankly, that’s all I needed to know.
My needs are met.
It turns out they are rather quite good at producing paint. I was sent the sample pots, and then the company did a ‘soft’ launch involving a lottery. And I won. Yeah, me. (Now, between you and me, if I could choose what lottery to win, there’s a strong likelihood that I would pick the Powerball or MegaBucks).
A win is a win; and I bought more paint with my 30% discount than I will ever willingly admit to my husband.
My knees went weak at the thought of a classic Black.
This is the Monet’s Garden dresser that I did, using Classico Black (I teamed it with Modern Masters Rust/Iron paint). Delicious.
The antique door that I painted for a client, was painted with Classico Majestic Cloth and Neutral Ground. The door is called Pearl, because of the text “No Grit, No Pearl”. I can’t take credit for this creative vision, it was all my client’s!
Good paint quenches my thirst and feeds my addiction. (wine does the same thing). I would totally be on board if a winery wanted to send me samples to test and review.
*(just putting that out there in the Universe).
**(it doesn’t even need to be good wine).
My antique secretary with the ‘Woman with a Parasol‘ image transfer was done using Classico Majestic Cloth and Sea Moss. Sea Moss is one of my favorite colors at the moment, it’s a beautiful soft soothing sage green.
When I finished my John Constable buffet (The Hay Wain) I paired Classico Black with Aubergine highlights. I used their Dead Flat Eco sealer over the image. I actually get to keep this buffet. It was a compromise: Husband gets flat screen TV, Wife gets buffet. Boom, Boom, Boom.
(at this stage I would like to point out that clearly I have been trying to master Picmonkey – look at my paint swatches. I know, right).
My latest piece (the Bombe Commode) needed to be completely stripped of the sad excuse for a veneer.
In England, we would say that ‘It almost did me in‘. I wrote a blog post saying how much I hoped never to see the piece again.
The piece sold almost immediately. I actually delivered it on Wednesday.
And then yesterday when I opened my email, I saw this gem!
Not only are Pure & Original making smaller sizes (geared towards furniture painters), they’re having a sale – and – my piece was been featured in the ad. This little email will help heal the deep trauma endured during the finishing of the piece.
It’s a good day all round! I seriously need more emails like this! From wineries, maybe…next time (you listening Universe?).
If you want to try this paint, this is the time to do it. The Pure and Original Giveaway that I talked about is still on-going, four more days left to register!
And to think it started with an email from a company I had never heard of. Now I’m beginning to question all of those Nigerian emails that I kept getting….maybe they were legit??
{insert catchy ending phrase here}
Diane aka The Paint Factory