We’ve been having some weird weather here in Oregon. Weird, like 91° degrees, weird. This type of weather toys with my English sensibilities. And not in a good way. It’s April. It’s not supposed to be this hot. EVER.
On the plus side, the heat made me want to revisit my outdoor space.
Blooming succulents, I love ’em!
This is the gazebo in my backyard. We removed the antiquated hot tub last year and turned it into a sitting area. We have few mosquitoes in Oregon and usually low humidity; so sitting outside on an evening is quite the joy.
Last year it looked like this. I think this was June/July (real summer time).
And I loved hanging out there. Often I’m sat on the loveseat with my computer (wearing shades) pretending to be working. If I’m wearing my sunglasses there’s a good chance I’m just sleeping. Sitting up. Pretending to work. Because that’s how I roll.
Why work when you can nap?
But, by the end of the year, I had grown tired of the pink and green. While it’s fun to paint with ‘trendy’ colors; you run the risk of become tired of them rather quickly. Trendy colors don’t have great ‘staying power’. This year, I wanted the space to be more traditional with a more timeless appeal.
The new cushion covers took days and days to sew. Not one seam is straight. And there’s a good chance that if you sit on them, they’ll explode. I probably should get guests to sign waivers. And, to tell the truth, I’m still a little traumatized. I shouldn’t sew. It’s not good for my mental health. But they are done. And I do rather love the blues/greens/grays in the fabric.
It is a much easier color palette to work with. I put a whitewash on the antique trunk to lighten it up and trimmed the plant holder with copper leaf. I also put gold leaf on my industrial vintage lamp. Rust and Gold . Dreamy. It gives off a beautiful glow at night.
I bought the three teak chairs from the Goodwill Outlet store a few years ago. They cost the grand sum of $5 each. I knew I would need to repaint them this year; although I just didn’t realize that it would be in April. I bought the whiskey barrel planter and turned it into a stool with storage. You can flip the seat over and use it as a table (one of my more ‘successful’ ideas).
Choosing a coordinating paint color for the outdoor fabric was easy.
It is just a gorgeous color. I painted this side table that I got for free at a yard sale. I don’t think you have to buy expensive pieces of furniture for outdoors. It’s hard to argue with ‘free’.
Rather than hand painting the chairs, this time I used a paint sprayer. I’ve wanted to try a sprayer for awhile, and Wagner® recently introduced a new Home Decor sprayer to the market, so the timing was perfect!
It’s a super light sprayer that doesn’t need an air compressor (My doggie is happy about that small detail. He normally hides upstairs when I bring out my air compressor). It took me a few attempts to figure out what speed/spray pattern worked best for me. But seriously, once I had figured it out (Speed two, with the horizontal spray) it worked like a charm. Yes, expect some overspray, but these three chairs were finished in less than 20 minutes.
When time is money (or you have a low attention span) that’s pretty amazing. The chairs are protected inside the gazebo. And I don’t think I will need to. If I decide to add extra protection, I’ll just spray a clear topcoat over them.
I still have the 8ft+ antique church pew that I somehow managed to fit into my minivan last year. (That pickup was not for the fainthearted). I power washed it, and actually like the chippy look. I may keep it this way.
The gazebo is finished and ready for summer in April.
Ready for me to go and sit outside; and work on my computer (wearing shades, of course).
Or just enjoy the flowers. With a glass of wine. Hard call.
So while I snooze work drink, maybe you have paint projects that need your attention?
Come visit, you know where I’ll be!
{insert catchy ending phrase}
Diane aka The Paint Factory