Hi Everyone!!
It suddenly just occurred to me that some of you may not necessarily follow me regularly on Facebook, and may not be aware of this week’s giveaway. Since Covid 19 hit us, I’ve been struggling with ways that I can be productive. I think it goes back to my social worker background, and feeling the need to reach out to people and help – in a very ‘grassroots’ approach. Navigating this strange and unchartered time is challenging for all of us.
I think we all yearn for that personal connection, that physical and emotional interaction that we probably, if we’re being honest, took so much for granted. It dawned on me that, while I can’t physically be there for people (I had to cancel my painting retreat in June – I still could cry if I thought about it), there’s maybe a way that I can use my social media presence to help our community. And when I say ‘community’ – I mean all the people who have been so lovely to follow me; whether it be on my website (world’s worse blogger), or Facebook.
Over the last month or so, I’ve been reaching out to businesses and artists that I know, and have worked with – asking if they would like to help me support our community. Of course, they said YES!! Sign us up. The response has been just so touching. I’m still consider myself to be ‘small fry’ in the world of social media, and for the businesses to want to donate goods to my followers, well it’s just incredibly moving. I think it shows that there’s always a silver lining and people will always want to help.
The idea was quite simple: Get new product into people’s hands, especially while we’re all home in self-quarantine, and help people become creative. Painting has helped my sanity so many times. Each week I’ve had a different giveaway: General Finishes, The Color Shop (on a side note, Molly from The Color Shop, my local Annie Sloan chalk paint retailer, has also issued a 10% discount code on all first orders!! Just use code: Howdy10 at check out on her website), Iron Orchid Designs, Wise Owl paint, Artisan Enhancements, Katie Clemente Studios, and William Morris Tile. Super wonderful products!!!
This week’s giveaway is a little different, because the products have been gifted by my good friend, Carol. Carol’s husband works as an ER nurse in Boston and we thought it would be a great idea to do a giveaway specifically for health care professionals: the true carers out there. Carol bought a huge selection of Wise Owl products and shipped them to me. There will be TWO giveaways, each giveaway consisting of: Two pints of Wise Owl paint, One Wise Owl clear wax, One Wise Owl furniture salve, One Wise Owl palm wax brush, and one Cling On paintbrush – truly everything you need to do a project.
All you need to do is go to the pinned post on my facebook page. Leave your name (or someone you know), and which area of health care you work in (and it can be anything: from a doctor, nurse, physical therapist, mental health worker, janitor in a hospital – ANY JOB THAT INVOLVES CARING FOR OTHERS). And that’s it. You don’t need to Like, Share, Tag, or Follow my page. This is about helping the community and not self-promotion.
We all need to feel connected, and hopefully we can do that by being creative. Gosh, don’t we need some color in this world. If you’re not a health care professional, but know someone who is and someone who would like to try their hand at painting – please share their name on the page!
Best to you all,
Stay safe and keep well.