I know it’s been forever since I last sat down and wrote a blog post. I literally have no excuse, so I won’t even try and talk my way out of it. I’m a mess, what can I tell you. But I think, always in the back of my head, I wonder if what I’m about to write is of any use to anyone. This post may be of some use….drum roll please……
I’m going to be doing a painting class on Cape Cod this summer!
Squeal!!! I am so excited about this, you have no idea. After the fiasco of last years trip to France (although, in my defense, the painting portion was pretty amazing I do have to admit), I sat down and started thinking if I could do another painting class but be more involved in the planning aspect? And my head told me that YES, go for it. And my heart screamed CAPE COD!!! And so the wheels were put in motion, and a fabulous weekend retreat was imagined and planned.
Now it’s time to share the details with you. I’ve been working with two of my dear friends to get this planned perfectly. I think it’s going to be a blast!! So, here are some of the details:
Date: June 12th – June 15th, 2020 (Friday-Monday). I’m still trying to get used to writing 2020. Place: Brewster, MA. (I lived in New Hampshire for years and years, and I still miss the quaintness of it. There are times when I just yearn to go back). This is my way of ‘getting back’!!! I truly believe that everyone should visit the Cape at least once in their lifetime; it’s just THAT special.

We’ll be staying in a traditional Cape Cod home, which is about a mile from the beach. It’s been raining in Oregon for days, and looking at that warm sand just makes me want to run jog walk quickly on it. I seriously NEED to be by a warm beach. The house has four bedrooms, so space is very limited. Yes, very limited indeed. Which, actually, I don’t mind. I don’t want to be teaching big classes (sure, the extra money would be nice – but it’s not what I’m looking for). I want small, intimate classes – a space where I can give 1:1 instruction if needed. I want to get to know you. Like ‘Let’s be friends’, my favorite color is blue – what’s yours? So that mentality is what brought me to this itinerary.
We will be doing an image transfer class, over the course of the weekend. Again, because you can’t rush image transfers there’s no way I can rush to finish it in one day. I’ll also be painting a small piece of furniture, so you can see what kind of techniques/products/trickery I normally use. Did I tell you I was excited.
SO. Flipping. Excited.
Yes, we will be learning how to do an image transfer – but we’ll be doing lots of other things, because – well, we’re on vacation!!! Remember, we’ve left the family behind. This is our weekend to do fun things. We’ll have lots of time to sit outdoors and relax. Doesn’t ‘relax’ just sound so lovely? There will be an afternoon visiting Provincetown, which is ridiculously amazing, and then we’re going to go to a local winery for a private wine tasting – because yes, we just have to. We’ll go for dinner in Chatham which, again, so stinking quaint and lovely!! We’ll spend some time on the beach and we will have a traditional New England clambake. If there’s one thing that makes me go weak at the knees it’s lobster. It’s sad how much I miss lobster. I intend to eat as much lobster as physically possible. Oh yes. So we’re trying to put as much as we can into our weekend, without it seeming rushed and hurried. Monday we’ll leave the Cape, knowing we’ve met new friends. Win-win, in my book.
Price: $1500 – this includes three nights accommodation (single occupancy), three breakfasts, two lunches, private wine tasting and tour, transportation to Provincetown, and a traditional lobster Clambake, and not forgetting my image transfer class!
Here’s my Facebook Live talking about it.
It’s going to be amazing. It’s going to be ‘just what the doctor ordered’. It’s going to be a small group of like-minded women, who just want to enjoy some quality time spent learning, laughing, eating, and laughing some more.
That kind of weekend. My kind of weekend.
If you’re interested, email travelingchestnuts@gmail.com for more information. I’d truly love to see you there!!
{insert catchy ending phrase here}
aka The Paint Factory