I’m telling you, right now, that technology will be the death of me.
When I was in high school I took classes in Typing (I’m really good at typing menus) and Office Practice (please allow me to address a business envelope, correctly). NEVER. NOT ONCE. Did I EVER think I would have to learn how to work a computer. Website? what??
But things change, especially for ‘old-timers’ like myself. It became very obvious when I started The Paint Factory, that I really should have a business website; if only to use as a portfolio. Somehow, I managed to create a viable website. And I still have no idea how it happened.
Basic. So very basic. Me, myself, I.
But it works (?) and it allows me to connect with people with similar interests. Well let’s revisit that, it works except when it doesn’t work.
The complete and utter death of me. I’m telling you right now.
I do blog posts very infrequently, for several reasons: Blog posts are really hard, and time consuming, and I don’t have a lot of knowledge/wisdom to share. But the times that I do blog, I want everyone to read them and get something, anything, from them. I don’t want to blog just to blog. That’s a complete waste of time, for both of us.
In regards to the website, I changed a few things over the last couple of months. Technological stuff. I don’t know what the heck I was doing. I still don’t. But something went wrong with my email subscription list – my absolute lifeline to you all. I found out, purely by chance, that while I’ve been posting blogs, only a small percentage of you have actually been sent them. What the. Jeez Louise.
Now, I could resend all of the blog posts to you separately, but I’m not going to because who wants to have more emails in their junk file? Not I. The simplest, easiest way to remedy this is just to send out one email (this one) with links to all of the posts. That way you can read the ones that may be of interest to you. If you’ve already received these posts in your email file, I’ll apologize now for duplicating them.
This post only reached half of my audience; and I love this post because it talks about a custom piece (which I rarely do) and working with a Van Gogh painting.

This Blog post (again, only half of you received this via email) was something that I have wanted to do for a long time: Writing about what you need to know about painting your kitchen cabinets. I painted mine using Wise Owl One-Hour Enamel, and I truly love them!! https://thepaintfactorypdx.com/painting-kitchen-cabinets-with-wise-owl-one-hour-enamel-paint-what-you-need-to-know/

The last blog post focused on what to do when you have a piece of furniture missing antique molding – why you make your own!!! I quickly became addicted to the molding putty. Read on, you’ll understand why. https://thepaintfactorypdx.com/missing-antique-molding-on-your-piece-of-furniture/

Hopefully, I can regain control of this technological monster that I’ve created and my emails will get sent out to you. But, seriously, who knows. Fingers crossed!
{insert catchy ending phrase here}
Diane aka The Paint Factory